

掌握irrespective of的精妙用法,提升你的英语表达能力The weekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants. 无论是三个人还是四个人住,周租金都是一样的。Everyone is treated equally, irrespective of race. 不分种族,每个人都受到公平对待。She is going to buy it irrespective of what you say. 不管你说什么,她都还有呢?

解析:irrespective of的用法,助你掌握英语表达技巧The weekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants. 无论三个人还是四个人住,周租金不变。Everyone is treated equally, irrespective of race. 不分种族,每个人都受到公平对待。She is going to buy it irrespective of what you say. 不管你说什么,她都要把它买好了吧!

Whats On丨黄河大集Citywalk:没有人能空手走出这里!山东大集究竟有什么神秘力量?今天我们来到了济南仲宫大集,跟我一起去逛逛吧!In Shandong, there is a fashion for“shopping in grand bazaar后面会介绍。 And what mysterious power are there? Today we are here in Zhonggong Grand Bazaar in Jinan. Let's go and take a look together!对很多山东人后面会介绍。

原创文章,作者:上海可寐寐科技有限公司 ,如若转载,请注明出处:http://clofng.cn/tf3t3ps4.html

